The History of Time Travel Watch Online

Time travel and fourth dimension machines have been a topic of scientific discipline fiction and countless movies for many decades. In fact, it appears that the possibility to travel in time, either into the future or into the past, has appealed to the imagination of mankind for centuries. While many may think it is absurd to believe that nosotros could travel backwards or forwards in time, some of the globe's about brilliant scientists have investigated whether it could ane day be fabricated a reality.

Research into Fourth dimension Travel

Albert Einstein for instance, ended in his afterwards years that the past, nowadays, and future all be simultaneously, and about are familiar with his well-known concept of relativity. That is, that fourth dimension is relative and not absolute as Newton claimed. With the proper engineering science, such as a very fast spaceship, one person is able to feel several days while another person simultaneously experiences merely a few hours or minutes. Notwithstanding the wisdom of Einstein's convictions had very little touch on on cosmology or science in general.

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The majority of physicists have been tedious to requite up the ordinary assumptions we make almost fourth dimension. However, if time travel really was possible, one tin hardly contemplate what this may mean for humanity. Whoever had the power to motion through time, would have the power to modify history. While this may audio bonny, it would be incommunicable to know the consequences of any alteration of past events, and how this would affect the time to come.

Illustration from the Menologion of Basil II of the Seven Sleepers, a medieval legend about a group of youths who hid in a cave to escape persecution and emerged over 300 years later. (Public domain)

Illustration from the Menologion of Basil 2 of the Seven Sleepers, a medieval fable virtually a group of youths who hid in a cave to escape persecution and emerged over 300 years later. ( Public domain )

Time Travel in Aboriginal Mythology

If we look at ancient texts, we tin can find a number of references to time travel. In Hindu mythology, in that location is the story of King Raivata Kakudmi who travels to come across the creator Brahma. Even if this trip didn't final long, when Kakudmi returned back to Globe, 108 yugas had passed on World, and it is thought that each yuga represents about iv 1000000 years. The caption Brahma gave to Kakudmi is that time runs differently in different planes of beingness.

Similarly, nosotros have references in the Quran about the cavern of Al-Kahf. The story refers to a group of young Christian people, who in 250 AD tried to escape persecution and retreated, under God's guidance, to a cave where God put them to sleep. They woke up 309 years later. This story coincides with the Christian story of the  7 sleepers , with a few differences.

Another story comes from the Japanese legend of Urashima Taro, an individual who was said to visit the underwater palace of the Dragon God Ryujin. He stayed there for 3 days, but when he returned to the surface, 300 years had passed. In the Buddhist text , Pali Catechism, information technology is written that in the heaven of the thirty Devas (the identify of the Gods), time passes at a different pace where one hundred Earth years count as a unmarried solar day for them. In that location are many more references to time travel to be found within ancient mythology.

Urashima Taro returning from the Dragon King's Palace, only to find that 300 years had passed. (Public domain)

Urashima Taro returning from the Dragon Male monarch'south Palace, only to find that 300 years had passed. ( Public domain )

Scientific Research into Time Travel

Probably the most well-known story of accidental time travel is the Philadelphia experiment which allegedly took place in 1943 with the purpose of cloaking a ship and making information technology invisible to enemy radar. However, it was said that the experiment went terribly wrong – the ship not only vanished completely from Philadelphia but it was teleported to Norfolk and went back in time for 10 seconds.

When the ship appeared again some crew members were physically fused to bulkheads, others developed mental disorders , a few disappeared completely, and some reported travelling into the future and back. Allegedly, Nikola Tesla, who was the managing director of Engineering and Inquiry at Radio Company of America at the time, was involved in the experiment by making all the necessary calculations and drawings and also providing the generators.

In 1960, we have another interesting case report of scientist Pellegrino Ernetti, who claimed that he developed the Chronivisor, a machine that would enable someone to see in the past. His theory was that anything that happens leaves an energy mark that tin can never exist destroyed (something like the mystical Akashic Records). Ernetti allegedly developed this machine that could notice, magnify and convert this energy into an prototype – something like a Television showing what happened in the past.

Scientists have long been curious as to the possibility of time travel. (drawlab19 / Adobe Stock)

Scientists have long been curious as to the possibility of time travel. ( drawlab19 / Adobe Stock)

Controversial Experiments Related to Time Travel

In the 1980s, in that location are reports of another controversial fourth dimension travel experiment, the  Montauk project , which again allegedly experimented with time travel among other things. Whether the Philadelphia and Montauk experiments really took place is still under fence. All the same, it is common sense to assume that the military machine would definitely be interested in the possibility of time travel and would engage in extensive research on the subject.

In 2004, Marlin Pohlman, a scientist, engineer, and fellow member of Mensa with a Bachelor, MBA and PhD, applied for a patent for a method of gravity distortion and time displacement. In 2013 Wasfi Alshdaifat filed another patent for a space pinch and time dilation motorcar that could be used for time travel.

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Co-ordinate to PHYS.ORG, the physicist Professor Ronald Lawrence Mallett of the Academy of Connecticut was working in 2006 on the concept of time travel , based on Einstein'due south theory of relativity. At the time, Mallett was absolutely convinced that fourth dimension travelling was possible. He predicted that human time travel volition be possible in our century. Particle physicist  Brian Cox , quoted in a 2013 commodity published in HuffPost, agreed that fourth dimension travel is possible but just in i direction.

We also have the mysterious story of Ali Razeqi, managing director of the Iranian Centre for Strategic Inventions, who The Daily Post reported had claimed to accept developed a device that could see anywhere from iii to five years in the hereafter. His initial story disappeared from the internet a few hours subsequently information technology was published.

In theory, time travel is possible, even if information technology is difficult to comprehend. Has the research cited in a higher place brought us closer towards making time travel a reality? If so, we can just hope that the technology does non go into the wrong hands.

Top epitome: Is time travel possible? Source: rolffimages / Adobe Stock

Past John Blackness

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